Family Therapy with Teens

Has adolescence reared its ugly head?

Teenage years seem to be impossible!
Dealing with hormones, puberty, drama, and dating is tiring.
Family relationships are strained. Feelings hurt. Communication disjointed.

As the teen, it seems as if no one is listening.

As the parent, all you want is to feel close to your child.

It would be easier if things were just how they used to be.

Feeling frustrated? Nervous? Scared? Exhausted?

That’s how adolescence is supposed to be, right?

Not necessarily.

Despite searching for a middle ground and bridging communication gaps, your efforts are falling flat.

What has worked in the past, doesn’t seem to be working now.

One day things are going well, and the next day everything is up in smoke. You’re on an emotional rollercoaster.
Strap on your seatbelt and we will talk about how to brace yourself for the ups and downs.

Knowing what’s going to happen at the next turn doesn’t need to be daunting.

I can help make the turbulence less scary.

Pick up the phone and we will find the right approach to navigate adolescence that works for everyone in the family.

Family Therapy: What’s around the bend?

Coming to therapy as a whole family can be an incredibly powerful, meaningful experience. It can also be rife with awkwardness and vulnerability. Learning how to communicate love amidst feelings of discomfort or anger is key.

Communication seems disjointed. One word answers are not getting you anywhere. Yelling matches seem to be an everyday occurrence.

These common communication interactions between parents and adolescents can be frustrating.

My job is to help each person speak the other’s language.

I will empower you to learn skills needed to create connection so that a mutual understanding occurs. Some of those skills could look like boundary setting, role playing, or just plain spending quality time together.

The structure of family therapy will be a mixture of individual, parenting, and family sessions, each designed to address needs of each specific person.

I’ve worked with over 100 families to fill communication gaps, heal wounds, foster healthier communication, and meet each other in the middle.

For the most part teenagers find me approachable, funny, energetic, and empathic.

Parents find me reinforcing, helpful, kind, and knowledgeable.

The goal is to teach you skills that you can eventually use on your own. The aim is for you to not need me.

My extensive training in family therapy has afforded me the opportunity to see many different family situations unfold in front of my eyes.

I look at each opportunity as a gift because it helps me get more information I can use to help you.

Call me today and the future of your family will be more connected and loving than ever before.